You need guidance through the jungle of regulations?

You want to develop yourself or your company?

I am happy to support your Regulatory Affairs organisation in reaching its goals in the areas of regulatory project management, training of staff and organisational development – pragmatically, with fresh ideas, synthesising “odd connections”, based on good science, good regulatory practice and with high integrity.

My new Regulatory Affairs Introductory Training is online now!

Regulatory Affairs is a job high in demand and offers plenty of opportunities for life-long training. To solve scientific and regulatory prolems, you work together in teams and not not everyone for themselves.

But I didn't know that at the time when I finished my PhD. So that you don't feel the same way I have summarized my knowledge in my Introductory Training Module.

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AMA - Ask Me Anything

Course Nr. 1
Deine Fragen zum Thema Regulatory Affairs und Berufseinstieg in der chemisch-pharmazeutischen Industrie.
CHF 0.00
Regulatory Affairs Basiskurs

Access All Areas: Berufsstarter-Paket + RA Basiskurs + RA Masterminds + Individuelles Coaching

Course Nr. 6
4 Module, Training in der Gruppe, RA Masterminds-Zugang und individuelle Coachings über ein Jahr.
CHF 1'790.00

Berufsstart und Bewerbungstraining

Course Nr. 3
Begleitung auf den ersten Schritten in Richtung Traumjob.
CHF 790.00
RA Masterminds

RA Masterminds

Course Nr. 5
Vier Coachings in der Gruppe, Zugang zum Netzwerk und meiner Bibliothek über ein Jahr.
CHF 650.00
